And the “Use that Tune” Viewer Winner Is…


A few weeks ago we crowned Andrajacsi’s video the winner of our “Use that Tune” video making contest. Now it is time for us to announce the winner from our drawing!

So, drum roll please…. 

Drum roll

And the winner is …



Hip hip hooray!

Many Viking Hugs as you enjoy your prize!

Thank you to all for taking part in this contest. And a big thank you to all of our commenters here on the blog, our FaceBook page, and Twitter. You all rock in so many ways.

Thank you for all for taking this wild ride through the fandom with us!

I have to admit, I had a blast with this contest… we may have to do it again sometime soon *whistles innocently*

In parting, lets take another (or ten) view of our winning video by andrajacsi!

About B

Really, there is never enough Eric... I'm loyal to the Viking, no matter what. I will love him whether in Book, Show, and just because... my first thoughts are of him and I close my eyes to dream of him. As far as I'm concerned, the night can not get here soon enough.

6 comments on “And the “Use that Tune” Viewer Winner Is…

  1. Hehehe…thank you so much….and I just love it…The magazine is so awesome 🙂 :)…I received it in my office and had to go outside for a bit to cool off after looking at sweaty Alex pictures from the gym :)…

    Those pictures are pure gold 🙂

  2. Congratulations, sakshichopra! 🙂

  3. Congratulations Sakshi!

    The system choses the winners completely at random so it’s extra cool when one of our regular commenters wins!

    We definitely need more competitions / give-aways in the run up to the final season 🙂

  4. Congratulations sakshichopra!

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